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Can i join FcUK Clan

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14 years 2 months ago #30875 by FcUK_A
Replied by FcUK_A on topic Can i join FcUK Clan
Don't do it for me ! Chav me up ! and too temperamentally and once their Locked on their locked on !!. And the Most abandoned dog is !! "Staffordshire Bull Terrier"

Mates English Bull dog got attacked in a vet surgery reception by one, bull dog sat there minding its own business then it just went for it and locked on to its neck, luckily the police were close by and they CS gased it and battered the fuck out of it with their telescopic batons! funnily enough it didn’t leave the vets alive !

Boxers, English bull terrier, Victorian bulldog, Mastiffs are all top dogs for me, When my lad pops his clogs which hopefully is as good few years away yet then another Boxer or one of the above or a Dogue de Bordeaux

But putting that aside good look in your application to join the clan.


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14 years 2 months ago #30876 by FcUK_A
Replied by FcUK_A on topic Can i join FcUK Clan
I vote Yes to Ban Gerrit from the forums !! :P


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14 years 2 months ago #30878 by Kopitee
Replied by Kopitee on topic Can i join FcUK Clan
Owners make their dogs like that ..Its not the dogs fault
To me they are the most loyal ,caring dogs i have ever met..

The most scarriest dog i have ever seem is my Uncles Akita ..There head reminds me of a bear .It was running on the beach one day and hit my aunt at full speed and smashed her legs in multipul places ..The hospital doctors thought she was hit by a car

I vote yes to the ban also <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->

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14 years 2 months ago #30879 by FcUK_A
Replied by FcUK_A on topic Can i join FcUK Clan
Ooo totally agree 99% of the time it's the owners fault not bringing them up right ! it’s just the locked jaw on them and I’ve seen what they can do ! so unfortunately tarnish them all with the same brush !!.

We looked after one last year and he was cool but any excitement he went off on one and started going for our dog who is the most submissive laid back Boxer you could ever meet but again will be the owners fault not socializing him enough !

But yeah those Akita’s are right bastards sometimes, My Wife does pop ins for one to let it out and feed while the owners are at work and if you go in with the wrong stance and energy it fooking goes mad and does not stop, luckily my missus does Dog Sociology and behaviour studies so she knows how to deal with him.

Danzig, You should have a answer for you soon.


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14 years 2 months ago #30881 by FcUK_U
Replied by FcUK_U on topic Can i join FcUK Clan
i vote yes

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14 years 2 months ago #30882 by FcUK_B
Replied by FcUK_B on topic Can i join FcUK Clan
in the words of alex ferguson........"typical germans"

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